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January 6th, 2023
You and whose army?, by d.s.l.
Your umbrella above this well
The lips from which your weapons bend
You separate the star from its sky
And tore the dew from its pastures
Can your hands block out the heaven
Or rid its earth of love’s wonders?
Would you pluck the poet of his memories
Or rid the songs of its lover shadows?
The world we did create
Of which such love for us exists
This place that you resides
This place that you would cruelly strike
So go towards that life you like
Over the mountains and across these plains
Where happiness of yours are what you choose
With blue light suns and curly hairs of darken fell
But take not a piece of us with you
Or separate the spirits of ours that be
In this place we shall lay and stay
Our memories of days that you can’t take away
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